Research Design and Biostatistics Core

Analytical Support for Researchers

The Research Design and Biostatistics Core provides a centralized resource of analytical expertise. Specifically, the core assists with project planning and research designing, data collection and management, statistical analysis, and interpretation and presentation of results.

The Research Design and Biostatistics Core was previously supported by the Center for Health Outcomes and Population Research

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We provide the following services:

  • Consult on study design, data collection techniques, and manuscript writing or revising
  • Calculate appropriate sample sizes to provide adequate power for their study
  • Develop survey and/or data collection instrument through REDCap
  • Support a wide range of statistical analyses, including but not limited to:
    • Generalized linear regression
    • Multilevel regression
    • Principal component analysis,
    • Survival analysis
    • Nonparametric methods
  • Create automated but customizable reporting through R and Shiny
  • Reporting and monitoring of clinical trial data
  • Support basic training on statistical programming as well as Design Methods and Statistical Techniques


Stys T, Gedela M, Gowda SN, Bares V, Fanta L, Petrasko M, Hajek C, Larson, E, Stys A. CYP2C19 Genotype-Directed P2Y12 Inhibitor Antiplatelet Therapy Normalizes Risk for Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. Indian Heart Journal. 2021(In press). doi: 10.1016/j.ihj.2021.03.004.

 Johnson K, VandenHull A, Remund T, Pohlson K, Bares V, Wacker J, Kelly P. Short-term Cost Comparison of Systemic Heparin Therapy vs. Catheter Directed Thrombolysis for the Treatment of Massive and Submassive Pulmonary Embolism with Long-Term Chronic Pulmonary Hypertension Cost Model. South Dakota Medicine: The Journal of the South Dakota State Medical Association. 2021;74(2):70-4.

 Patrick RJ, Gent S, Suess T, Bares V, Vandenhull A, Pohlson K, Steffens K, Kelly P. Combination of Mural Thrombus and Age Improves the Identification of All-Cause Mortality Following Branched Endovascular Repair. Journal of Vascular Surgery. 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.jvs.2020.06.046.

Simpkins J, Sturdevant D, Timmerman G. An initial analysis of agricultural trauma in South Dakota with an emphasis on work-related injuries. Aesculapius. 2020;1(1).

Mashaqi S, Staebler D, Mehra R. Combined Nocturnal Pulse Oximetry and Questionnaire-Based Obstructive Sleep Apnea Screening – A Cohort Study. Sleep Medicine.

Weber G, Chappelle E, Bares V. Improving Hepatitis C Screening in the Baby Boomer Birth Cohort in Rural South Dakota: A Medical Student HQIP Project. South Dakota Medicine: The Journal of the South Dakota State Medical Association. 2020;73(1):17-20.

Hanson JD, Weber TL, Shrestha U, Bares VJ, Seiber M, Ingersoll K. Acceptability of an eHealth Intervention to Prevent Alcohol-Exposed Pregnancy Among American Indian/Alaska Native Teens. Alcohol Clinical Experimental Research. 2020;44(1):196-202.

Hutchinson A, McMillan E, Griese E, Bares V, Stein Q, Daily L. Genetic Counseling in Middle School Science Club: A Pilot Study. Journal of STEM Outreach. 2019;2.

Johnson TB, Mechels K, Anderson RE, Cain JT, Sturdevant DA, Braddock S, Pinz H, Wilson MA, Landsverk M, Roux KJ, Weimer JM. Characterization of a recurrent missense mutation in the forkhead DNA-binding domain of FOXP1. Sci Rep. 2018;8.

Russo J, Griese E, Bares V. Examining the Prevalence and Impact of Peer Victimization and Social Support for Rural Youth. South Dakota Medicine: The Journal of the South Dakota State Medical Association. 2018;71(10):448-451.