Flow Cytometry Core

Cutting-Edge Flow Cytometry & Cell Sorting

The Flow Cytometry Core provides a centralized resource of state-of-art equipment and expertise for multi-color flow cytometry and cell sorting services. Specialized staff assists users with experimental design, equipment optimization and operation, and data analysis.

The Flow Cytometry Core is supported by the Center for Cancer Biology (NIGMS CoBRE P30GM145398).


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 Flow cytometry consultation: Various aspects of flow cytometry including designing experiment protocols, sample preparation methods, assessing the project feasibility, interpretation of the flow cytometry data and preparation of data presentation.

Applications include:
Cell cycle analysis (1D or 2D)
Apoptosis assays
Cell number and viability assessment
Proliferation Assays
Assessment of phosphorylation status of signaling proteins
Cell functional studies using fluorescent probes (such as Calcium flux)
Cytometric Bead Array

Panel Design:
Fluorophore selection, Fluorophore compatibility
Optimizing antibody choices for marker sensitivity and cell type detection

Assay Optimization

Data Analysis:
High Dimensional Analysis
Clustering, General


Work with us to use the following equipment for your research:

  • Cytek Amnis ImageStream MKII (two-laser, 6 channels and CCD camera)
  • BD Accuri C6 plus (two-laser, four-color) – two units
  • BD FACS LSR Fortessa SORP (five-laser, 18-color)
  • BD FACS Melody (three-laser, eight-color, 4 way sorting, installed in a biosafety cabinet) 
  • MACS magnetic bead separator (manual)
  • MACS tissue dissociator
  •  Cell culture facilities (Sanford Center room 1261) – for sorter users, CO2 incubator, low-speed centrifuge with sealed buckets, an inverted microscope, work BSC, refrigerator/freezer, sink.
  • Workstations and software –  one workstations, installed with FlowJo and IDEAS


Use of Antimetastatic SOD3-Mimetic Albumin as a Primer in Triple Negative Breast Cancer. Shanta M. Messerli, Amanda M. Schaefer, Yongxian Zhuang, Bohdan J. Soltys, Noah Keime, Jenny Jin, Li Ma, Carleton J. C. Hsia, and W. Keith Miskimins. Journal of Oncology. Volume 2019, Article ID 3253696.

Propranolol Promotes Glucose Dependence and Synergizes with Dichloroacetate for Anti-Cancer Activity in HNSCC. Christopher T. Lucido, W. Keith Miskimins, and Paola D. Vermeer. Cancers (Basel). 2018 Dec; 10(12): 476.

Self-Transducible Bimodal PDX1-FOXP3 Protein Lifts Insulin Secretion and Curbs Autoimmunity, Boosting Tregs in Type 1 Diabetic Mice. Christina Amatya, Ilian A. Radichev, Jacob Ellefson, Mark Williams, and Alexei Y. Savinov. Mol Ther. 2018 Jan 3; 26(1): 184–198.

β2-Adrenergic receptor modulates mitochondrial metabolism and disease progression in recurrent/metastatic HPV(+) HNSCC. Christopher T. Lucido, Juan L. Callejas-Valera, Paul L. Colbert, Daniel W. Vermeer, W. Keith Miskimins,William C. Spanos, and Paola D. Vermeer. Oncogenesis. 2018 Oct; 7(10): 81.

Genetic Ataxi Telangiectasia porcine model phenohttpcopies the multisystemic features of the human disease. Rosanna Beraldi, David K. Meyerholz, Alexei Savinov, Attila D. Kovács, Jill M. Weimer, Jordan A. Dykstra,Ryan D. Geraets, and David A. Pearce Biochim Biophys Acta. 2017 Nov; 1863(11): 2862–2870.

Loss of peripheral protection in pancreatic islets by proteolysis-driven impairment of VTCN1 (B7-H4) presentation is associated with the development of autoimmune diabetes. Ilian A. Radichev, Lilia V. Maneva-Radicheva, Christina Amatya, Maryam Salehi, Camille Parker, Jacob Ellefson, Paul Burn, and Alexei Y. Savinov. J Immunol. 2016 Feb 15; 196(4): 1495–1506.

Nardilysin-Dependent Proteolysis of Cell-Associated VTCN1 (B7-H4) Marks Type 1 Diabetes Development. Ilian A. Radichev, Lilia V. Maneva-Radicheva, Christina Amatya, Camille Parker, Jacob Ellefson, Clive Wasserfall, Mark Atkinson, Paul Burn and Alexei Y. Savinov. Diabetes 2014 Oct; 63(10): 3470-3482

Autoimmune Diabetes Is Suppressed by Treatment with Recombinant Human Tissue Kallikrein-1. Lilia Maneva-Radicheva, Christina Amatya, Camille Parker, Jacob Ellefson, Ilian Radichev, Arvind Raghavan, Matthew L. Charles, Mark S. Williams, Mark S. Robbins, and Alexei Y. Savinov. PLoS One. 2014; 9(9): e107213.

Radiation-induced loss of cell surface CD47 enhances immune-mediated clearance of HPV+ cancer. Daniel W. Vermeer, William C. Spanos, Paola D. Vermeer, Annie M. Bruns, Kimberly M. Lee, and John H. Lee. Int J Cancer. 2013 Jul; 133(1): 120–129.

The Type 1 Diabetes-Resistance locus Idd22 Controls Trafficking of Autoreactive Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes into the Pancreatic Islets of NOD Mice. Robert L. Whitener, Lisa Gallo Knight, Jianwei Li, Sarah Knapp, Shuyao Zhang, Mani Annamalai, Vadim M Pliner, Dongtao Fu, Ilian Radichev, Christina Amatya, Alexei Savinov, Arif Yurdagul, Jr, Shuai Yuan, John Glawe, Christopher G. Kevil, Jing Chen, Scott E. Stimpson, and Clayton E Mathews. J Immunol. 2017 Dec 15; 199(12): 3991–4000.

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