Equipment Lending Library Catalog

Sanford Research created the equipment lending library to put real-world science equipment in the hands of students. We believe careers in science and research should be accessible to every student, so we’re sharing resources with classrooms across the region.

The library has over $40,000 of equipment and supplies available to classrooms. Educators at institutions across the region can access the technology housed in the Sanford PROMISE Community Lab at no charge.

In order to request equipment you must be able to pick up equipment from Sanford Research or a Sanford Clinic in your town. Preference will go to educators who have attended a Sanford PROMISE professional development. 

Please fill out this form to request equipment. Allow at least two weeks for the request to be processed. An email will be sent to you to follow up and determine your needs.  If you are not sure of what you need, please email the Sanford PROMISE educators at