Laam Lab

Primary Research Focus

Dr. Leslie Laam is the Director of Biomedical Statistics at the Center for Biobehavioral Research. She has a background in mathematics, evaluative clinical sciences and health services research. Her current research is focused on eating disorders, disordered eating and metabolic and bariatric surgery. 

Dr. Laam’s professional strengths lie in research methodology and advanced statistical analysis and her professional focus is on using statistical methods that clearly bridge health care practice and research.

Continued research from the Crosby Lab
Ross Crosby was a dedicated researcher, statistician and beloved colleague at the Center for Biobehavioral Research. Ross passed away after a fight with myelodysplastic syndrome and subsequent complications from a bone marrow transplant. His research and dedication to the field of eating disorders and obesity continues through the Laam Lab with the following projects:
  • R01DK130926 Biobehavioral Factors and their Impact on Stress-Related Eating in Obesity. Engel/Steffen 09/2021 – 05/2025
  • P20GM134969 Center for Biobehavioral Mechanisms of Eating Behavior Wonderlich 04/2021 – 02/2026
  • R15AA030673 Use of Ecological Momentary Assessments to Evaluate Drinking in Native Women. Hanson 09/2023 – 08/2026
  • K01MD017630 A Mixed Methods Approach to Understanding Obesity Risk among Sexual Minority Women. Fowler 8/2022 - 3/2027

Please contact the Laam Lab with any questions. 


Primary Research Group

Behavioral Science

About the Laam Lab